About the Author

Cassie Rush is a British author of cosy mysteries set in the English country- or seaside.

She loves the coastal town of Southwold which is a short drive up the coast from where she lives. It’s why she chose to set her popular, Eastwold by the Sea
series there. Although her version of the town is entirely fictional as she likes to move streets around. She hates it when an author sets a story somewhere well known and gets the details wrong.

  • Cozy, scary, and delightful!

    This historical mystery has several possible villains and keeps the reader guessing throughout. But even without the twisted mystery, there is plenty in this book to charm, amuse, and sometimes frighten--I held my breath whenever Lady Gayle went riding alone or when she or Alice visited the castle's attic! The English countryside and post-WWI setting are beautifully described. I particularly liked the very modern Lady Gayle, who was an ambulance driver/mechanic in WWI and let no man—or woman—disrespect or put her down. A clever and thoroughly enjoyable book. Looking forward to Book 2.

  • Enjoyable & intriging storyline!

    Besides being the Vicar, Alina Merrycott is also a Nurse. Fairly new to a small town/village by the sea, the heroine is at first comforted by the slower life - much more serene than London! That is, until the fighting & the murder! Good plot & I really enjoyed all the characters & subsequent suspects that showed up in the book! Not sure if Book 2 is available, but I'm eager to read it!!!

  • Downton Abbey meets Agatha Christie

    This book pulled me in over and over. Mysteries are my cup of tea. My form of escape. And I hate it when you can figure out who "dun it" in the second chapter. No such problem here. Every time you think you've got a bead on the villain, there's another twist in the story. And each twist is artfully introduced. Thoroughly entertaining right to the end.